This is a hilarious anime adaptation of a manga series by the pseudonymous mangaka ÖYSTER. The story revolves around Haruto Boida, your typical socially awkward otaku who has no interest in real-life girls and lives by the motto, "Once you venture into their world, there's no turning back." However, even Haruto has his own love interest – Nona, the main heroine of the anime "Girls → Planetary Investigation" airing on one of the TV channels. When figurines of Nona go on sale, Haruto impulsively buys one and proudly displays it in his apartment. But on the night of the purchase, the figurine unexpectedly comes to life, moving and speaking on its own. Thus begins a whimsical romantic comedy that delves into the everyday lives of Haruto and Nona, their hilarious encounters, and the unexpected twists that love can bring. Get ready for a rollercoaster of laughter and romance!